Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I have received a few requests from people who would like to continue reading my blogs. To do this I will no long be unknown. Perhaps that's okay.

My personal professional blog is here: www.markallen.net - there are a lot of movies on the movie page to view here.

I also blog a lot more lately and more casually here: www.alivenotdead.com/?markallen

The latter link has a great deal more inspirational discussion at the moment while the former is just a headline news of things.

The big update right now is that I have two projects going with well known actors which I am writing and developing for television. I have also been directing a lot more spots for music videos and commercial clients.

Hope to see you all at the new locations. At some point I may steal a blog posting or two from here to share in the other locations now that I'm reminded about the content here.