Saturday, January 14, 2006

Actor Research

I did a little research about the Two TV Actors I'm interested in and discovered that they are actually at the same agency. That is interesting. It's an advantage on some level because I could sort of package it to the agency - or they would be packing it for me at that point; but there would be no "waiting on the other agency for an answer."

I actually need to decide what to do if one of them doesn't want to do the movie and the other does. For the male, I think I could think of a replacement that would work. I'm not so sure on the female. I don't see them booked on anything on coming up - but pilot season has just begun. I should really try to get a commitment prior to them getting a show. And just be willing to be alter my start date based on if they book or not. No actor will give up a regular part on a series for a low budget movie. No agent would let them do that.

If I don't get either actor - then I will need to decide whether to proceed because the business model has changed. I think a lot would depend on the price of the props and the location. If those are reasonable enough in price then I could replace them with other actors and just base my faith on the story. I could also check how far "The Other" project has come along and see if I change my energy to that instead.

But right now a lot of my excitement in project is based on the package.

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