Saturday, February 04, 2006

Assembling Assets

Oh - lets just do a bullet point list...

  • I contacted a friendly stage (I've known the people who run it for a while). They offered a very nice deal. It's still very expensive.
  • Tomorrow I should be talking to my first option of set builders - a recommendation from the friendly stage.
  • The LP/AD (Line Producer/Assistant Director) I spoke with and liked is unable to schedule this project into his life, but is going to do his best to provide some help - he should be sending me some photos of an alternate (and cheaper) location tomorrow.... HOPING that it works.
  • I've decided to NOT WAIT to approach actors. Even for my famous friend... actually - I'm waiting until Tuesday for her because she may read on Monday.
  • I'm meeting with another LP/AD option and there is someone else who doesn't have all the experience, but could add to the family atmosphere of the shoot which would be nice.
About money. If I can get this talent, I should really not worry about the money as much. I have to remember that a major part of this exercise is to make me realize that these things happen. People make movies. Then they sell them. It's not something reserved for the very very lucky. And if I'm wrong... well, it will probably be worth the money to find out!

Next week should be very interesting. I will try to document my experience approaching these actors very closely because I have a feeling that this will be something that most of the filmmaker who might be reading this will be most interested in.

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