Monday, February 13, 2006

Reading went well

The reading went very well. I felt like people did like the script, enjoyed the read and I also got a couple good ideas that I'm going to incorporate. Plus a few things came to light that I need to fix. Nothing major.

There were also a couple ideas which were good, but I'm not going to incorporate them because at some point, you're just making another movie. Even if ideas seem like they'll enhance this movie, sometimes they'll just make it different. And sometimes good ideas can break a script and I don't have the time to break the script down entirely especially when all it would add is one cool moment as a pay off in actuality.

My friend has not responded yet. Grrr... if it takes this long for a friend to respond... how long will it take the other actors to respond. I may have to push the entire shoot a couple weeks, but that would be the limit. No leeway after that.

I need to get people to start working on this.

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