Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Gathering My Thoughts

So - the work from last week spilled into this week, but I feel like I was pretty well able to keep things moving forward. Even had a chance to do a little design work. I am trying to figure out the lay out of certain locations according to how they would be work with the dolly shots. Nothing worse than getting to a location with a shot in mind and then realizing "There's no room for the dolly here."

So here is a random catch up list for "where everything is at:"
  • Asked my "famous friend" to be in the movie. Need to push her to commit soon as I want her confirmation prior to approaching the TV Actors (I'm starting to hate using these generic labels - it's sort of demeaning seeming.) Lesson Learned - approach sooner.
  • Talk to the line producer type about his interest. I feel he could be an asset and would like to know his involvement level.
  • I've figured out a backend offer for the actors.
  • I really need to find someone who can talk to me about the expense for building and painting sets. This is information I'm lacking.
  • I'm very much eyeing renting a studio or warehouse and building sets since they are so simple and plain verses finding the right location - unless someone brings something great to my attention.
  • Going to keep the whole shoot to 3 weeks instead of adding on a weekend for the other location. Mentally keeps the shoot so much shorter. (LP's advice)
  • Going to add a little short action scene which wasn't in the script before - but I think it needs a punch near the end - something fun to watch to break up the suspense.
  • Going to add another scene which has been on my mind lately.
  • Going to cut off the last scene as it locks me into a particular sequel and has extra actors and FX and props that don't help tell the story necessarily. As tempted as I am to shoot it anyway - it will get expensive.
  • Going to start storyboarding it and breaking it down under the assumption that the actors will sign on. I'm being warned the actor signing can take a month - this could become an issue as if I cannot get the people I want, I need to make sure that have a cast I feel makes it work.
  • I need to include rehearsal into the schedule for the major scenes even if I have to pay for the time. I need to make sure the performances work. This movie is made or lost on the performances - 'cause it's not a blood splattering horror film.

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