Thursday, February 02, 2006

Depression before the Storm

I wasn't going to write anything today - but then I realized today is EXACTLY the day I need to write something.... if not for anyone else, for myself to remember this.

For no apparent reason - no bad news. Suddenly, my momentum feels like it totally dropped.

I think this is where other people come into the mix. Even a very independent person like myself still relies on the excitement of other people. It's why actors still love theater. The live response.

What this is telling me is that I need to start including some people in the project and give them a reason to care.

Probably I got some disinterested reactions from people in an almost so-casual-I-didn't-notice way - but I did feel it. And it brought me down. It's not that anything went wrong.

Maybe it's also just coming to see the greater picture of what a huge project this will be and maybe the last week of pushing this project and attending to my regular job just wore me out. This won't be the last time. I should make sure though that I keep some people around who encourage me. And some other people who may have something at stake in this as well. Starting to understand why groups of people make movies a lot more often than solo efforts.

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