Thursday, January 05, 2006

Decision Time

I've chosen to do the horror film. I think it's a good film. Several people offered to buy it last year but I didn't have a lot of confidence in the director they choseI worked with a director many years ago who had a simple formula. He spent most of his movies budget on the talent (actors) because he rightly assumed that this was one of the most important selling elements of a movie. Personally, I think he underestimated the value of a touching story. Even a horror film can have a touching story. By "touching" I mean a human element. So many stories in movies lately feel manufactured.

Something I happen to know through my Famous Friend is that actors are quite often looking for something that gives them a real arc. Actors like playing a variety of things - that's what they crave, that's what they do what they do. So, there's always a chance that they'll want to do your film if there is "a part" (as they say) there.

My desire to do this film, though is very much tied to my hope to get two certain TV Actors. A lot of my confidence in it is based on that - so that will need to be one of the first things I confirm. That and "The Location." It's got a very key and tough location.

A producer of many movies once told me about making movies. "Pick the date." That was everything. You pick the day you're going to shoot and make it happen. I've see this to be true as when something is actually happening, everyone becomes more and more inclined to start joining in. Why? Because so much stuff (in Hollywood especially) is all talk and no happening.

I think the end of March sounds good. By the end of January I will try to have a very specific date set.

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