Sunday, January 22, 2006


Meeting my DP tomorrow. In addition to being a notably good DP, he has a great and reasonable sense of production and we communicate well.

Absolutely I'm trying to recruit him to the project. Beyond that I want to talk to him about... well, to put it bluntly, how few people we could get away with on his crew. I want to have as skeleton a crew as possible.

First thing I ever shot on film (other than super 8) I had a crew of 4 total - all departments. We were all just out of school, so we had limited experience - but we shot fast. Sometimes a big crew slows you down. People not wanting to step on each other foot and "do things right" can be a huge slow down. Additionally, sometimes with the advantage of experience comes the disadvantage of lackadaisicality.

I have some thoughts on what my crew will be, but I will write more on that and many other things tomorrow as I'm going to be getting a lot more information in on Monday.

At the moment I've been mostly focusing on researching cast and scheduling the movie.

I'm hoping to call January 31st my first day of preproduction.

So much is riding on casting in my mind. Despite what the film rep says about value, my gutt says something else. I might have to manipulate myself a little internet buzz about the casting (once done) to make distributors feel it, but I have a feeling about it.

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